1. Korea plans to administer COVID vaccines to 22 million members of the general public aged between 18 and 59 starting next month as part of its inoculation campaign.
보건 당국이 코로나 백신 예방접종에 좀 더 속도를 내면서, 7월 이후부터 18세에서 59세 사이의 일반 국민 2,200만 명이 코로나 백신 접종을 받게 됩니다.
7월 : 50-59세 860만 명
8월 : 18세-49세 1,300만명
합산: 약 2,200만명
members of the general public aged between 18 and 59
18세부터 59세 사이의 일반 국민
2. The Federal Reserve has signaled that it may act sooner than previously planned to start dialing back low-interest-rate policies.
미국 연방준비제도이사회가 이전에 계획했던 것보다 더 빨리 저금리 정책을 철회하고, 금리를 인상할 수 있다는 점을 시사했습니다.
it may act sooner than previously planned
기존에 계획했던 것보다 더 빨리 조치를 취할 수도 있다/(금리 인상)
dial back 줄이다, 철회하다, 되돌리다
3. China has successfully launched three astronauts into space, bringing the country one step closer to completing its new space station.
중국이 세 명의 우주비행사를 성공적으로 우주로 쏘아 올렸습니다. 이로써 중국은 우주정거장 구축에 한 걸음 더 다가가게 됐습니다.
bringing the country one step closer to ~
(우주정거장을 완성하는데) 중국을 한 발자국 더 가까이 가게 하다
4. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has formally acknowledged that his country is facing food shortages.
북한 지도자 김정은이 현재 북한이 식량 부족에 직면해 있다는 점을 공식적으로 인정했습니다.
formally acknowledge 공식적으로 인정하다
5. A diamond believed to be the third largest ever found has been put on display in Botswana.
지금까지 발견된 것 중 세 번째로 큰 걸로 추정되는 대형 다이아몬드가 아프리카의 보츠와나에서 선을 보였습니다.
believed to be the third largest ever found
지금까지 발견된 것 중 세번째로 큰 것이라고 생각되는
Biden and Putin Express Desire for Better Relations at Summit Shaped by Disputes
David E. Sanger, Michael D. Shear and Anton Troianovski
c.2021 The New York Times Company
A highly anticipated first summit meeting between President Joe Biden and President Vladimir Putin of Russia ended early on Wednesday and was described by both sides as a series of polite but adamantly stated disagreements about which country is the greater force of global disruption.
A highly anticipated 많은 기대를 모았던
adamantly stated disagreements
단호하게, 명확하게 이견을 표출하다
After about three hours of talks, the two leaders emerged, separately, and offered professional respect for each other, like two skilled boxers describing the other’s prowess. Both expressed a desire for a better relationship, but announced no dramatic actions to arrest the downward spiral that has already hurtled them toward the worst U.S.-Russian tensions since the Cold War.
offered professional respect 서로 대통령, 지도자로서의 예의(존중)는 지켰다
to arrest the downward spiral 악화되는 것을 멈추다
hurtled them toward 빠르고 거칠게 양국을 밀어붙였던
In dueling news conferences on the edge of Lake Geneva, a traditional site for two of the world’s most powerful antagonists to discuss their differences, the two leaders committed to the creation of working groups to deal with urgent issues, starting with arms control and the proliferation of cyberattacks. They agreed to send ambassadors back to each other’s capitals, Putin said, and expressed interest in working in some areas of mutual interest, from the Arctic to Afghanistan. “There has been no hostility,’’ Putin said, speaking about the meeting.
Biden declared “I did what I came to do,’’ including laying out a series of warnings and red lines for the Russian leader, which he insisted were not “threats.”
Biden emerged offering some modest optimism that America has restored its alliances with Europe and has made Putin more cautious about any actions regarded as being against American interests.
“I think the last thing he wants now is a Cold War,’’ Biden said at his news conference, describing Putin as the struggling leader of a declining economy who was worried about the growth of an expansionist, aggressive China on his border.
But Biden also said he had handed the Russian leader a list of 16 examples of “critical infrastructure,’’ and had made clear that if they were attacked, “we have significant cybercapabilities” and would respond “in a cyberway.”
Biden said there had been no hyperbole and no talk of military intervention in their exchanges, which he described as “simple assertions.” But his warning that accelerating Russian cyberoperations would get an in-kind response could signal a significant escalation in the daily cyberconflict now underway among major and lesser powers, including China, Iran and North Korea.
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