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The New York Times Daily News 뉴욕타임즈 영어 공부/ 기사 해석

유학의 정석 2021. 5. 20. 11:41

1. Korea's major travel agencies shed around 15 percent of their workforce over the past year as travel demand took a massive hit from the pandemic.

국내 주요 여행사들이 지난 1년 동안 약 15%의 인력을 감축한 것으로 나타났습니다. 코로나 대유행이 여행 수요에 타격을 입힌 것이 주요 원인입니다.

shed around 15 percent of their workforce 15프로의 인력을 감축하다 (없애다, 버리다)

as travel demand has taken a massive hit from ~로 인해 여행 수요가 타격을 입으면서


2. US House speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, criticising China for human rights abuses.
낸시 펠로시 미국 하원의장이 중국의 인권 유린을 비판하고, 2022년 베이징 동계올림픽을 외교적으로 보이콧하자고 촉구했습니다

has called for a diplomatic boycott of

~의 외교적 보이콧을 촉구했다

* 선수의 올림픽 참가만 허용, 개,폐막식에 사절단 불참 등

3. The World Health Organization has reported that long working hours are killing hundreds of thousands of people a year.
세계보건기구 WHO는, 긴 근무시간이 매년 수십만 명의 생명을 위협하고 있다고 보고했습니다.

long working hours 긴 근무(노동)시간

4. Thousands of shoppers in the Chinese city of Shenzhen fled the vicinity of a near 300-meter skyscraper Tuesday, after it inexplicably began swaying.

중국 선전시에서 300미터 높이의 고층 건물이 알수 없는 원인으로 흔들리면서 수천명의 쇼핑객들이 건물 주변에서 긴급히 대피했습니다.

skyscraper 고층 빌딩, 마천루

inexplicably began swaying 원인 모르게 흔들리기 시작했다

5. Marvel is launching a new Black Panther series by Academy Award-winning writer John Ridley and Guardians of the Galaxy artist Juann Cabal.

마블이 아카데미상 수상작가인 존 리들리와 가디언즈 오브 갤럭시를 만들어낸 아티스트 후안 카발이 참여하는, 새로운 블랙 팬서 시리즈를 내놓을 예정입니다.

Marvel is launching a new Black Panther series 마블이 새로운 블랙팬서 시리즈를 시작한다




Long Working Hours Lead to a Rise in Premature Deaths, WHO Says


Writer by Sarah Kessler

c.2021 The New York Times Company


Long working hours are leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths per year, according to a new study by the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization.


Working more than 55 hours a week in a paid job resulted in 745,000 deaths in 2016, the study estimated, up from 590,000 in 2000. About 398,000 of the deaths in 2016 were because of stroke and 347,000 because of heart disease. Both physiological stress responses and changes in behavior are “conceivable” reasons that long hours have a negative impact on health, the authors suggest. Other takeaways from the study:


Working more than 55 hours per week is dangerous. It is associated with an estimated 35% higher risk of stroke and 17% higher risk of heart disease compared with working 35-40 hours per week.


About 9% of the global population works long hours. In 2016, an estimated 488 million people worked more than 55 hours per week. Though the study did not examine data after 2016, “past experience has shown that working hours increased after previous economic recessions; such increases may also be associated with the COVID-19 pandemic,” the authors wrote.


Long hours are more dangerous than other occupational hazards. In all three years that the study examined, working long hours led to more disease than any other occupational risk factor, including exposure to carcinogens and the nonuse of seat belts at work. And the health toll of overwork worsened over time: From 2000 to 2016, the number of deaths from heart disease because of working long hours increased 42%, and from stroke 19%.


Dr. Maria Neira, a director at the WHO, put the conclusion bluntly: “It’s time that we all, governments, employers and employees wake up to the fact that long working hours can lead to premature death.”





Marvel Announces a New Black Panther Series


Writer by George Gene Gustines

c.2021 The New York Times Company

Marvel Comics superhero Black Panther is getting a new series and a new creative team in August. It will be written by Oscar-winning screenwriter John Ridley and drawn by Juann Cabal. The current Black Panther series, which began in 2016 and has been written by Ta-Nehisi Coates, will conclude on May 26.


Black Panther, created in 1966, is the first Black superhero in mainstream comics and hails from Wakanda, a fictional African country, where he is known as T’Challa and serves as king. Ridley said he is eager for the chance to write the hero.


“First of all, Black Panther is just a great character in and of himself,” he said in a telephone interview. “But being a young Black kid growing up, every time you saw a hero that looked like you, even if their background didn’t reflect my lived experience, it was just something that made you feel closer to the wish fulfillment that is intrinsic in graphic-novel writing.”


In the new story, Black Panther receives an urgent message from a Wakandan operative who is in danger.


“It’s a hybrid espionage-superhero thriller, but at its core, it’s a love story,” Ridley said. “And I don’t mean just romantic love, although there’s some of that as well. It’s love between friends.”


He said he thought about his closest childhood friends “and the ways that we ran together and how our lives changed over time.” He said he also wanted to reflect upon the last year.


“We’re coming out of a summer where we saw Black people fighting for our rights, standing up, fighting in ways that we haven’t had to do in years,” he said. “And it was really important to me after the year we had where we can have these conversations with Black people and we can use words like love and caring and hope and regret and all these really fundamental emotions that everybody has.”
